Wool Dreadlocks: Starting May 2021
Do you want to try out the dreadlocks look, but aren't ready for the real thing?
Then you can get a full head or maybe just a partial head installation of wool dreadlocks.
You can bring your own set, or I can make these for you in a very unique artisanal way.
Wool dreadlocks can also be used if you do have real dreadlocks.
They are perfect if you want to add more volume or some color accents here and there.
Wool dreadlocks can easily be removed and installed again whenever you like.
That way you can change color or style depending on the seasons or a special occasion.
Do you want to try out the dreadlocks look, but aren't ready for the real thing?
Then you can get a full head or maybe just a partial head installation of wool dreadlocks.
You can bring your own set, or I can make these for you in a very unique artisanal way.
Wool dreadlocks can also be used if you do have real dreadlocks.
They are perfect if you want to add more volume or some color accents here and there.
Wool dreadlocks can easily be removed and installed again whenever you like.
That way you can change color or style depending on the seasons or a special occasion.