Forest Roots Price List
I work conform professional work standards and so all prices includes legal taxes and Vat / Btw.
These prices are set according to the level of training, experience, work speed and the delivered work quality.
I am trained and educated and I have many years of experience working on dreadlocks fulltime year round.
I offer only high quality services with very precise work, full personal attention and lots of love and dedication.
You may find some cheaper work elsewhere, but in the end it is possible that you might just get what you pay for...
It is something to keep in mind that having to fix badly created sections or poorly made or damaged dreadlocks will costs a lot more in aftercare and restoration. It is mostly cheaper and more efficient to choose professional detailled work right from the start so your dreadlocks journey can go as smooth as possible.
It is a path you can choose for yourself, depending on the quality you want to give to yourself.
° Partial / Half head dreadlocks on your own hair
With partial dreadlocks you can show or hide them just as you want. This gives a lot of versatile possibilities for different beautifull hairstyles! Half up, half loose, or a lovely boho bun loose hair mixed with dreads, an arty braid and so on. You start on the bottom in the neck and can build as many rows immediatly or onn a later moment whenever you want. These dreads will all be nicely sectioned and individually adapted to the shape of your head and the type of your hair.
- Dreadlocks creation of the 1st row (bottom row): 79 euro
- Dreadlocks creation of the 1st row and 2nd row: 117 euro
- Dreadlocks creation of the 1st, 2nd and 3th row: 199 euro
- Dreadlocks creation of the 1st, 2nd, 3th and 4th row: 279 euro (full back of the head)
- Option: If you want extra hair attached only in the tips, for fuller loose flowy ends, this will be a supplement of 9 euro per end including the cost of the extension hair and the work for attaching these.
I therefore only use high quality real hair, no synthetic plastic hair.
If you rather want the tips to be blunted, it will be 4 euro per crochetted end.
° A half head of dreadlocks, with extensions
Creating partial dreadlocks on your own hair, and extending them with +/- 25 cm natural extension hair.
This way your dreads will be better visible beneath your loose hair, and you will get that beautifull boho look. You start on the bottom in the neck and can build as many rows immediatly or laten whenever you want. These dreads will all be nicely sectioned and individually adapted to the shape of your head and the type of your hair.
This way your dreads will be better visible beneath your loose hair, and you will get that beautifull boho look. You start on the bottom in the neck and can build as many rows immediatly or laten whenever you want. These dreads will all be nicely sectioned and individually adapted to the shape of your head and the type of your hair.
- Dreadlocks creation + Extension of the 1st row (bottom row): 149 euro
- Dreadlocks creation + Extension of 1st row and the 2nd row: 229 euro
- Dreadlocks creation + Extension of 1st, 2nd and 3th row: 360 euro
- Dreadlocks creation + Extension of 1st, 2nd, 3th and 4th row: 490 euro (full back of the head)
° A Full head of dreadlocks on your own hair
All nicely sectioned and individually adapted to the shape of your head and the type of your hair. Minimum length for this service is 15 cm.
- Option: If you want extra hair attached only in the tips, for fuller loose flowy ends, this will be a supplement of 9 euro per end including the cost of the extension hair and the work for attaching these.
I therefore only use high quality real hair, no synthetic plastic hair.
If you rather want the tips to be blunted, it will be 4 euro per crochetted end.
° A full head of dreadlocks, with extensions
Creation of a full head of dreadlocks on your own hair, all nicely sectioned and individually adapted to the shape of your head and the type of your hair. And then they will be extend to the desired length. This is possible as soon as your own loose hair is minimum 12 cm long. No shorter then that or we will have to cancel. I'll then extend your newly created dreadlocks by using natural extension hair. This can be done in the same color as youw own hair, or in different accent collors or ombre effect. For a beautifull head of long dreadlocks without having to wait for all the growth |
- Your hair is minimum 12 cm untill shoulders + 20 cm dreadlength extended: 810 euro
- Your hair is 5 cm past shoulders + 20 cm dread-length extended: 990 euro
- Your hair is 10 cm past shoulders + 20 cm dread-length extended: 1060 euro
- Your hair is 15 cm past shoulders + 20 cm dread-length extended: 1089 euro
- Your hair is 20 cm past shoulders + 20 cm dread-length extended: 1159 euro
- Your hair is 25 cm past shoulders + 20 cm dread-length extended: 1199 euro
- Your hair is 30 cm past shoulders + 20 cm dread-length extended: 1249 euro
- These prices are all in, included the work of creating your new dreads, creating the extensions and the cost of the extension hair, so no extra costs or surprises. I provide high quality real human hair in collor of your choice. No synthetic plastic hair
° A Dreadlocks Mohawk
Do you have your sides shaved, then I can create you a majestic Dreadlocks Mohawk from your hair. Minimum length to start with is 15 cm, but if you want it longer, I can make longer dreads with natural hair extensions. These dreadlocks extensions can be done in the same or in different colors as your own hair.
- Hair on top of your head (sides and back shaved) created into dreadlocks and extended with +/- 20 cm dreadlocks extensions: 430 euro.
- Hair on top of your head (sides and back shaved) created into dreadlocks and extended with +/- 20 cm dreadlocks extensions: 630 euro
These prices includes also the cost of the extra hair. I only make use of high quality real extension hair, no synthetic hair.
I offer 15% Discount on your first maintenance at Forest Roots ❤ |
° Maintenance of your roots and/or full lengths
You decide yourself if you want only a quicker clean up of your roots, or also a full length maintenance. This can be done with or without non-damaging root-tie. With this type of professional maintenance you can go on for many months! Your dreadlocks will stay seperated for a longer time and your skin will be more healthy this way. Your new growth will lock better and in a more round shape, without much work for you! This service is 79 euro per hour or 39,50 euro per half hour with a minimum of 1 hour for the first hour. Timing depends on the amount of dreadlocks (some people have 4 dreads, other have 60 dreads or more...). And the needed working time also depends on how long ago you had maintenance, the amount of new growth and loose hairs, the amount of effort you do or do not put yourself into your locks (palmrolling, tightening spray, ...). All prices includes 21% btw vat & all the legal taxes and costs. |
- Roots only maintenance (dreading only the new growth into the dreadlock) will be between 1,5 till 3 hours of work. => 1,5h = 118 euro / 2h= 158 euro / / 2,5h= 197 euro / 3h= 237 euro.
- Full maintenance from root to tip (new growth at the roots + loose hairs over the lengths + correcting loops or bumps) will be between 3 till 4,5 hours of work depending on the total length of your locks. => 3h = 237 euro / 3.5 h = 276 euro / 4h = 316 euro / 4,5 h = 355 euro
- Intense Maintenance Repair or Restorations might take around 4,5 untill +/- 7,5 hours of work if your dreads are in real trouble such as needing restoration of badly created dreadlocks, having to free totally grown together dread roots, needing to fix holes, weak spots or re-attach broken pieces.
=> Between 355 euro up untill 590 euro.
This price includes all the maintenance work and also the use of high quality extension hair for repairing weak spots where needed (no length extensions).
° Full Make-Over Maintenance + Dreadlocks extensions
A complete Make Over with an intense maintenance of your roots and also your full lengths, restauration of weak spots and then extending your own dreadlocks to longer dreadlocks with high quality natural extension hair. I'll make them the same color as your own hair, or with different colors and highlights or an ombre style. These extensions will mature in about 3 months and will blend naturally into your own hair. Give yourself a fresh start, a beautifull make-over to instantly have the dreadlocks you were dreaming of! |
Full maintenance from roots and lengths, optimalising wrong sections, repair of weak spots + 20 cm dread length extension added to your dreadlocks: 990 euro.
This prices is all in, included the work of full restauration of your dreads, creating the extensions and the cost of the extension hair, so no extra costs or surprises. I provide high quality real human hair in the collor of your choice. No synthetic plastic hair.
! Please be aware: this price is set up for the work on an average full head of dreads between 36 and maximum 54 dreads. If you have more then this amount of dreads, an extra needs to be calculated for all the extra maintenance working time , the more cost of extension, and the creation of these extra dreadlocks extensions.
Feel free to ask me more info for a quotation. Send a picture and your amount of dreadlocks so I can give you a realistic quote of what to expect.
This prices is all in, included the work of full restauration of your dreads, creating the extensions and the cost of the extension hair, so no extra costs or surprises. I provide high quality real human hair in the collor of your choice. No synthetic plastic hair.
! Please be aware: this price is set up for the work on an average full head of dreads between 36 and maximum 54 dreads. If you have more then this amount of dreads, an extra needs to be calculated for all the extra maintenance working time , the more cost of extension, and the creation of these extra dreadlocks extensions.
Feel free to ask me more info for a quotation. Send a picture and your amount of dreadlocks so I can give you a realistic quote of what to expect.
° Maintenance and Extension of only a few dreads
Complete maintenance of your roots and full lengths, restoration where needed, followed by the attachment and creation of longer dreadlocks with natural extension hair. 22 euro per dreadlock including the maintenance work and extension with high quality real human extension hair, no synthetic plastic hair. |
° Creating loose flowy ends
You have allready dreads and you want the ends to be extended into loose elegant tips? I'll attach high quality natural extension hair to the ends of your dreads for a long and flowy look. No dreadlocks extension, only adding long loose tips to your existing dreadlocks.
° Dreadlocks Decoration
Let your dreadlocks be decorated and add some color or texture with cotton string, wool, braids, beads or shells. Or you can buy a removable clip-in wrap that you can also use if you don't have dreadlocks. The price depends on the work and choice of extra materials, beads and so on. I provide only natural materials such as cotton, wool, hemp, linen and so on. Of course you can also bring your favourite string. Between 3 and 36 eur. |
° Dreadlocks Wellness
In case you are experiencing an itching scalp, you want your dreads to be more tight, or maybe they are too dry (they might break of), you can give yourself a complete nourishing treatment for your scalp and hair! I here for offer high quality certified organic products that are specially designed for dreadlocks. Make this moment into a special ritual to reconnect with yourself while taking care of your faerielocks. Or perhaps gift this special treatment to a lovely friend or take care of your roots together ☀ You can find these caring products in my webshop. |
° Creation of wool dreadlocks
These can be used as a nice color accent in your favorite theme, for a very special occasion or just according to the change of the seasons! You can add them to your own dreadlocks to get some more volume, but wool dreads can also be braided in on loose brushable hair to get the look of dreadlocks temporary. You can order ready made sets or you can have some wool dreadies custome made by me. Order one wool dreadlock or a complete set. Pricing between 3 euro and 250 euro depending on the amount and length of the dreads and the decorations. |
° Installation of wool dreadlocks
You can bring your own set, or you can let me make one for you! I can install your woollies for you. I make use of a special sectioning manner so they will fall nice around your face and give a beautifull full look. Ofcourse you can also choose to have only a few or a partial head installed. Partial head installation: 135 euro Full head installation: 250 euro |
° A combination of services A bit of this and also something of that. Just write me about your wishes and I'll give you a price quotation for the sercices that you want. |
All prices are tax included 21% VAT + Legal taxes.
The general conditions can be found here.
The general conditions can be found here.